Saturday, January 1, 2011

V Gundam Sidestory and Gundam vs. Gigantis (or, Gundam vs. Ideon)

V Gundam Sidestory and Gundam vs. Gigantis

V Gundam Sidestory, raw.
Gundam vs. Gigantis, raw
Gundam vs Gigantis, first 25 pages translated


  1. The links are dead because of Megaupload is no longer available can you re-upload them to Mediafire please? Thank You.

  2. Fixed the raw link. It's now both the V Gundam Sidestory and Gundam vs. Gigantis.

  3. Thank you so much for your time and effort. I really appreciate this. God Bless and have a good day.

  4. Hey,

    Just finished Victory Gundam and google led me here. Has Side Story been translated into english at all?

  5. Victory Gundam never connected with the Gigantis story. The Gigantis was the Ideon mecha from Tomino's Space Runaway Ideon series; Which the novel stated the Gundam Universe came from the remains of the universe in which Space Runaway Ideon took place in. Basically the Ideon destroyed the universe at the end of Space Runaway Ideon and then the remaining universe was eventually inhabited by humans again, and Judau was the reincarnation of the previous protagonist pilot of the Ideon mecha.
    The V-Gundam side story, Judau and Uso meet and go on a brief mission together basically, but it doesn't connect with the Gigantis novel at all if that's what you're implying OP. I mean, Judau is in the Victory Gundam Side Story novel, but he is like 70/80 something by this point, and in the Gigantis novel, he was fighting the Ideon (aka Gigantis) with Amuro Ray. Mineva Zabi was inside the Ideon (aka Gigantis), and Judau managed to get inside the Giantis.............
    Anyways im done typing do your own research.'_Counterattack
